

"One today is worth two tomorrows; what I am to be, I am now becoming."
-Ben Franklin


today I'm thankful

Today i'm thankful... for the the many selfless and giving people God has placed in my life. My family, amazing friends and church family are without a doubt the most wonderful people God has ever created. I am blessed beyond measure.


Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness, that must frighten us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, Courageous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. You playing small does not help the world. There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And when we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. When we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
-Marianne Williamson



1) Favorite object in your bedroom?
my sheets, my chandelier...the paint.. everything?

2) Have you ever smoked heroin?

3) Do you own guns?

4) What flavor do you add to your drink at sonic?
cherry limeade with extra cherries

5) Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?
not really

6) What do you think of hot dogs?
One a year is plenty. kinda white trash unless they are grilled

7) Favorite song?
Too many... =)

8) Can you do push ups?
like a girl. workin' on that!

9) Can you do a chin up?
definitely not.. I should work on that too.

10) What's your favorite piece of jewelry?
my promise ring..gonna give it to my husband someday.

11) Do you like blue cheese?
With the right thing, again.. like once a year.

12) Ever been in a car wreck?

13) What's one trait that you hate about yourself?
My feet are always cold, I wish my eyelashes were longer..the list could be long...

14) What's your middle name?

15) Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment :
I love you, bud.

2. Coffee refill, please.

3. I pray for you, everyday.

16) Name 3 things you bought yesterday?
Dishes for my mom, lipgloss for Libby...and ummmmm... quarters from the vault.

17) Name 4 drinks you drink regularly :
water, green tea, fresh carrot juice, J Blue Mountain.

18) Current worry? God's got my back. I am not worried.

19) Current dreams: Read 2009 goals. Let's start with all that.

20) How will you bring in the New Year?
at church.

21) Where would you like to be right now?

22) Name three people who will complete this?
um....your guess is as good as mine

23) Do you own slippers?
yes, but i'm a sock girl usually

24) What shirt are you wearing?
a grey shirt with sequins

25) Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?
oh yeah.. or anything high thread count!

26) Can you whistle?

27) Would you be a pirate?
yes, if I could be nice and wear cute stripes!

28) What songs do you sing in the shower?
whatevers in my head

29) Favorite girl's name?
Can't tell...saving it

30) Favorite boy's name?
Can't tell.. saving it

31) What's in your pocket?

32) Last person that made you laugh?
Uncle J

33) Best bed sheets as a child?
black, white and red....stripes. Ha. I was cool.

34) Worst injury you've ever had?
Never broken a bone, never really had an injury.. just a couple burns.

35) Do you love where you live?
absolutely. Love it, want to be there with my family forever. And raise my family there, too.

36) How many TVs do you have in your house?
Two moniters to watch DVDs... no tv channels though

37) Who is the loudest person you know? a girl at work. wow, obnoxious.

38) How many dogs do you have?

39) What's the best thing about your best friend?
everything, of course...eyes, personality, pure, sheer toughness, sense of humor..

40) What is your favorite candy?
godiva chocolate covered strawberries, peach rings, gum

41) Favorite Sports Team?

42) Where is the next place you want to travel?
1. Paris! or 2. Hawaii or 3. a glass bottomed hut in Tahiti or 4. Washington.

43) What were you doing 12 AM last night?
watching Little Drummer Boy because I couldnt sleep

44) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
It's Christmas... I am cold....I am so excited for you, AAAAAAAAhhhh =)



Captain Corelli's Mandolin and Never Been Kissed

Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal and infinite passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are.

Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. I want it... roots that grow towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom have fallen from our branches we find that we are one tree and not two.
- The Movie Captain Corelli's Mandolin

I’ve kissed a guy... I’ve kissed guys. Then you came along.

I just hadn't felt that thing.... THE thing... that moment when you kiss someone and everything around you becomes hazy, and the only thing in focus is you and this person. And you realize that that person is the only person you’re supposed to kiss for the rest of your life. And for one moment you get this amazing gift. And you wanna laugh and you wanna cry, cause you feel so lucky that you’ve finally found them, and so scared that it’ll go away all at the same time.

- The Movie Never Been Kissed


When I was a kid we would go to my grandma's house in West Virginia and I would get to watch a little T.V. Maybe not a big deal to some, but when you don't have a television in your house, it is sooooooooo fun. I was gullible as a child. Any infomercial that came on, I was in awe of the amazing new products they were offering. I would take a pen and a piece of paper and write down every number that came on the screen. While rummaging thru the mail today, I came across a bright green box with the word Pampers on it. It was addressed "Brita Doon". Hmmm.. well I guess that's me. Inside the box, there were coupons, samples and even a diaper. I'm not a mom yet (in case you were wondering), and I dont have any siblings in Pampers. My family is forever giving me a hard time about signing up for free stuff and I could not convince them that this had not happened recently.

Well I finally figured it out. I was always making up new "alias" to recieve free products...
Britta DonDon
Brita Doon
Brittanya Doonaldsin
Brita Nicolai
and so on...

I am still recieving mail after 15+ years... and after that many years, God only knows how many times they have sold my name. So, if for any reason you see my picture on the wall of the post office, you can reference this blog. I am, unfortunately, a woman of many names.

just for Jesus

You always cause me to triumph! I just want to say to You openly that You've been so very faithful to me in spite of myself. Your love goes beyond my comprehension and You are so very patient with me. Thank You for doing marvelous things in me. I will always sing Your praises... I'll praise you long after time has ceased... and I will worship You here until I am able to see You over there! How I absolutely adore you, Jesus.
Do you ever feel like you are a little kid again? No directive; a wandering child searching aimlessly for who knows what? And as contrary as it may seem, I have been trying to tell God how everything is going to work. Not that I know! But, it is the control freak in me. I am completely clueless about what lies in my future, but I feel the immense need to let God know what to do. Haha! I don't have the slightest idea what my future holds, but I keep reminding God that I am still here. Hello, Lord. It's me and I am just wanting to keep you abreast of my dreams, because I seem to be the only one concerned about them. Truth be told, I am yet a child....just a whiny, ignorant child.


clearing the air


I love you. That isn't going to change. Accept that.
There is no one else.... Because there is no one else in the whole world like you.

I'm sorry too.

I'm praying for you. Pray for me. And smile alot. Everything will be ok.

"...You just smile and take my hand, you've been there, you understand...It's all part of a grander plan that coming true.... "

- the beginning



This song is definitely going on my top 100 list.


"You want a man, who will lead you down the beach, with his hand over your eyes, just so you can discover the feel of the sand beneath your feet. You want a guy, who will wake you up at dawn, just bursting to talk to you, because he can't wait another minute just to find out what you'll say. Am I right? "

-Ike to Maggie, Runaway Bride.

He's right. thats what I want.... And what i have to look forward to. =)


2009 goals

.....for my own benefit.

Read my Bible thru
Go on a missions trip
Write to Tasha 2X a month
see Washington, D.C.
Plant a tree with Jack
Continue Youth Bible Study
Take at least three flying lessons
leave my city (or area) once a month, leave my country at least once this year
go on a road trip with no predetermined destination
sleep under the stars
cook an entire meal once a month
Develop my Kindermusik business
Drama team presentation once a month
Take Jazz piano lessons
compile "100 favorite songs" list and CD's
see Wicked
Take the youth to a symphony
Go on a road trip with Ami
Use my complimentary airfare (with my lil' bro)
Cardio PLUS weight training 5X a week
Save ALOT of money
Develop our kid's choir
Go thru Brett Manning's Singing Success program
Learn basic guitar
CD Fundraiser with Music Department
Hone worship leading ability
Further develop Choir/Frontline
Further develop Ignite, Oasis, and specialty nights for worship service
Run a 5K
Finish 25 credits with a 4.0
Mentor 3 young musician's
Run for/ get elected to Marshall Area Library District Board
Write (and submit!) my work to a periodical
Read all of John Maxwell's work again


this is hilarious.


"Did you know that Cinderella didn't have to take her dress off to win her prince? She had Romance without Regrets and she didn't lose anything that she couldn't get back the next day." just sayin....


amazing service tonight. wow. I am so happy to be part of the church and to be able to trust God has a plan for me. an infinite, annointed and blessed plan. i don't know what it is, but I can just trust Him to take care of me...

Father, Give your beloved rest.


The easiest time to be critical of someone is when your life is not producing fruit.... or you are not "producing" in general. It doesn't even take professed skill in an area to stand back and judge what is wrong with the situation. Being critical is easy. Being helpful takes work.

Be careful how much you unhelpful criticism you offer. It's more than likely not helping the situation and it IS depleting your character.


a repost of randomness

This hardly qualifies as a blog.

1. What is your middle name?
it's still Nichole

2. It's Thursday at noon, where are you usually?
My office at the church

3. Who are the last four people to send you a text message?
Judah, Chelsea, Ami, Ginnie

4. What brand of shampoo is in your shower right now?

6. What are you listening to right now?
Day of Salvation:IBC

7. Do you watch sports or sitcoms?

10. You need a new pair of glasses, what store do you go first?

11. How do you feel about your hair?
love it. very thankful.

12. What time do you wake up?
My alarm is set for 5:55. I usually get up at like 6:07. I am not thrilled about getting out of a warm bed.

13. What movie is in your DVD player?
Barbie Christmas Carol....

14. Last two numbers in your phone number?

15. Who's in your house?
I havent a clue

16. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
Pretty much everywhere. I am a sprawler.

17. Do you like roller coasters?
I will ride them, but they don't do a whole lot for me.

18. What magazine(s) do you buy regularly or subscribe to?
lucky, vogue, golf for women, conde nast travel, seed, wired, shape.

19. Car you drive?
a cheap one that is more fun in the summer

21. What do you think about gay marriage?
the Bible pretty much says it all.

22. What do your pants look like?
VS Pink

24. Whats your room look like?
It needs some TLC.

26. What kind of cologne/perfume do you wear?
heavenly vs, body by victoria, ralph lauren style, amber, chance by chanel, escada magnetism. CK Euphoria is my all time fave. Just got a new bottle. Thank you. =)

28. What are your plans for tomorrow?
Kindermusik, office work. teach a couple of piano lessons. church office all day.

29. What is the dumbest thing you have ever done with your cellphone?
called an idiotic boy that wasn't worth the air he was wasting.

31.Does drinking alcohol make you act more like your true self?
not real sure.

2. Whats bothering you right now?
My neck.

4. Whos your best friend? Jesus

5. Wallpaper on your computer's desktop?
A picture of me..what else?! well and my friends, of course!

6. Wallpaper on your cell phone?

7. Next time you will kiss someone?
hmmmm. When I am with the person I am going to marry.

8. Where your default picture was taken?
my house

9. Do you like messages or comments better?

11. What is the last thing you ate today?

12. Doing this weekend?
Church and filing. My social life is like so awesome right now.

13. Wearing?
clear fingernail polish

15. If you could have one person with you right now who would it be?
Vesta Mangun. I have a lot of questions I would like to ask.

16. Currently reading? baaaaad question for a book-a-holic.

17. Have you ever kissed anyone named Phillip?

18. Are you in a relationship?
Oh Boy. lol.

19. Are they in love with you?
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh buddy.

20. Have you hit someone today?
no. But if I was like a Harley chick, I could have busted someone in the lip today.

21. Do you believe in a soul mate?
Absolutely and yes.

22. What do you wear to bed?
a plethora of things. ....Who wrote this survey?

24. Do you burn easily in the sun?

25. Have you ever been gambling?
....if you count one of those quarter slider machines during my bible school days.=)

27. What did you do last weekend?
worked. church. Homework. The point of this survey is to point out I have no social life these days.... I love it.

28. Do you miss anyone?
Today I am being strong. So I won't think about it.

29. What are you going to do after this?
Work on music.

32. What was the last text message you sent?
yeah lol

33. Have you ever had a crush on your sister's/brother's friends?
o my WORD. naaahooooyes.

34. How good is your eyesight?
not the best. pretty horrid actually.

36. What was the last thing you drank?

38. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?
Jackson Reece

39. Do you like someone right now?
lol, I love how these questions are worded for 12 year olds.

40. Do you have a chance with them?
I do. Really. I'm sure. Positive.

41. What do you wear more: jeans or sweats?
probably skirts. =)

42. What all have you eaten today?
I had to go the Gold Club Bank Breakfast. So I had bacon and eggs with a bunch of rich old people. It was fun. Then a salad. Oh, and one stolen 1" pretzel.

43. What were you doing at 2AM last night?
Engaging in REM sleep I imagine. Maybe having a crazy, off-the-wall dream about all the thoughts I supposedly suppress.

44. What are you excited about?
My future. Oh, and running for library board, and Christmas.

45. What is your dream phone?
I don't so much dream about a particular cell phone. Maybe that's weird of me.

46. Ever broken a promise?

48. who was the last person you hugged?

49. Favorite shoes?
black stilettos. hott.

50. Where do you work?
First Financial. church.

51. What are you doing right now?
Trying to figure out why my ears are BURNING?

52. Explain love?
I couldn't begin to. I'm going to have outta control crazy love that makes my heart scream though. Won't that be fun?

53. What's your latest hobby? Learning to not hate filling up my gas tank. I am working feverishly on it.

the end.
thoughts by me.