

move. up.

God gives life. God gives dreams. His purpose for every human is great, regardless of whether we recognize it or not. Well, in a perfect world apathy, complacency, and "lack of drive" would not rule. Monotony and comfort zones would not be present. But since we don't live in a perfect world, all of the above rule the major part of the average life.

Since I am now 25, I am vastly more comfortable in my own skin and with my calling.
My continual prayer for my life is that I have the ability to see past the daily grind and respond to the everyday opportunities given to me by just living. Seeking renewal and freshness, moving up and growing up. I believe every step of the ladder was intended as a secure holding place for our foot to rest on while going UP.

"Sad will be the day for any man when he becomes contented with the thoughts he is thinking and the deeds he is doing – where there is not forever beating at the doors of his soul some great desire to do something larger, which he knows that he was meant and made to do."
Phillips Brooks
1835-1893, American Episcopal Cleric


Quote for myself. =)

Honor encourages and uplifts. Don't like some of your relationships right now? Try honoring that person. It might change the way you think... Or the way they think!

Studying with Whit all day tomorrow. Night, world.
I think I know where my strange dreams are coming from...

Facebook. A Movie. Twitter. Internet. Cell charging right beside my bed.
I don't do it that often, or that much, but as sure as I do, crazy bad dreams.
I am going "unplugged" way earlier starting tonight! I have always been aware that this could be potentially a problem but I have definitely noticed a pattern recently. Problem solved.

My bedtime routine just got longer. Gotta sleep peacefully!
People who are opposite to us usually tend to expose our weakness. ~ T.F. Tenney
Just woke up from a nap. Gonna try to do something fun with friends but if not possible I will work on homework.

This is crazy. We are very blessed.
Urgent Request from Missionaries Brad & Regina Thompson and Lynne Jewett:

On Friday we had an earthquake, followed by a catastrophic volcanic eruption. The capital city was covered in 3 inches of fine volcanic sand, closing the international airport and causing chaos in the surrounding areas. Now Hurricane Agatha is sitting off our Pacific coast and has been dumping tons of water on the country for the past 24 hours. Storm drains are plugged due to the volcanic ash, mud slides are happening all over the country and there is flooding in many communities. There are reports of death and destruction. The worst is supposed to hit in the next 24 hours. The volcano also continues to erupt. We covet your prayers for the people of Guatemala and our churches.


Busy... but good! Cleaning, ironing, feeding, bathing...all the stuff that accompanies little people. Thank God they are not living up to their name, Savage =) I hope to get in some homework tonight, as I desperately need to.

"Whatever work we are currently called to do, we should pursue it with all our heart."
Ecclesiastes 9:10

God is good!

Perfect Saturday

I woke up dreadfully, happily....early. I went to breakfast and watched my sister go stark-raving crazy over kids clothes at a garage sale. Whit and I just watched. =) She bought at least 78 things. I took Noah to workout, we did strength/core training today. I'm so proud of him. I plan go help clean up our garage sale at about 11:30 today, but until then we are occupying the three Savage kids-- They had two new twins born in the night. Jonathan and Sarah (we think). Seven and Five lbs., respectively. I have homework to do this afternoon. And my entire family is going to Brandon's grad party tonight so I think we should all go...

It's so pretty outside. Go look at the sky.


•Name something you've never done but would like to try. Why does it appeal to you? What's kept you from trying it?
•What are your top five favorite memories?
•What are your favorite smells and sounds? What memories or emotions do they evoke?
•Tell me about a book, movie, song, or work of art that changed the way you look at the world.
•If someone offered us an all-expenses-paid trip anywhere in the world, where would you want to go and why?
•What kind of volunteer work do you think you'd be especially well suited for?
•Tell me about someone outside of your family who impacted your life as you were growing up.

So cool


When it hurts to look back, and you're scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there.

...the most beautiful city

Paris. soonday.

Forgive and Forget

I was browsing thru the antique book of poetry... and found this. Good for me, good for all.

Oh forgive and forget, for this life is too fleeting
To waste it in brooding o're wrongs we have met;
It is better, far better to smother our anger
To teach the proud hear to forgive and forget

Oh forgive and forget
Oh forgive and forget
Teach your proud heart to forgive and forget

In the path we must tread, leading down to the valley
Are crosses and trials to lift and to bear
And the chalice of life, from which we're now drinking
Oft bears to out lips drops of sorrow and care

Oh forgive and forget
Oh forgive and forget
Teach your proud heart to forgive and forget

But this life is so short, be it sunshine or shadow
That we cannot afford to brood o're a wrong
Let us lift up and burdens and bear them on bravely
We'll lay them down shortly, it cannot be long.

Oh forgive and forget
Oh forgive and forget
Teach your proud heart to forgive and forget

Then forgive and forget, if the friends we loved fondly
Prove themselves to be unworthy of trust
Deal with them kindly, for they are but mortals
And erring like us, for we, too are but dust!

Oh forgive and forget
Oh forgive and forget
Teach your proud heart to forgive and forget


Doing things the right way this time. 100% the right way.
I long for that day...


As Christians we know, in theory at least, that in the life of a child of God there are no
second causes, that even the most unjust and cruel things, as well as all seemingly pointless and undeserved sufferings, have been permitted by God as a glorious opportunity for us to react to them in such a way that our Lord and Savior is able to produce in us, little by little, his own lovely character.”

~Hannah Hurnard, from Hinds’ Feet on High Places


Sometimes things have to get down right brutal and dirty..even hurtful, for a cleansing to take place..BUT...In THAT..Know that their is ALWAYS HOPE!

-Jina McCool


Pulpit Rock, Dorset
Some people talk to the devil more than they talk to God. Stop addressing the "problem" and start talking to the Solution to your problems.