

J. Hancock, St. Louis Cardinals

circus and slushy

I took seven wild little ones to the circus yesterday. They loved it and, needless to say, so did I. We left directly from church to get there on time and most of us still had our church clothes on. So of course, I sat in red slushy.
It's the little things that make life memorable.


a huge personality flaw

I greatly fear the median and mediocre. Sounds very cliche, but you have no idea how entirely true it is. My family gives me a hard time about it, and I know I have subjected at least one precious person to it, to the point ruining our relationship.
I am scared to death of living a common, ordinary life and I have ALWAYS been like that. I have always wanted the best of everything. It has been my personality thus far in life to reject anything less than that which fulfills my starry expectations. What most people consider perfectly acceptable, I detest. I have unrealistic hopes of nearly everything. If I cannot be perfect, peform it perfectly, experience it perfectly, or have it perfectly; then I tend to not want it at all. And honestly, I hate being like this sometimes.

I need to realize that part of life is in the "growing". Please indulge me as I talk to myself....
" It's ok if i'm not a millionaire when I get married and it's ok if I still have student loans. It's ok if I haven't checked off most everything on my "life list" by age 25. Someone might still love me even if I don't sing exactly like Mariah and play every classical piece perfectly. I do not have to have a 100,000 dollar wedding to be happy. I do not need a mansion or a Mercedes to be successful. I can struggle and fight for the good life and still be normal. I can grow as I go. "

I hope I "get this" soon. I would hate for happiness to pass me up while I wait for perfection.


Nothing without YOU, Jesus!

Ive been in Florida over the weekend, having a marvelous time.
I met some people that were absolutely amazing. They had the ability to see thru mercy's eyes about about ten years down the road....and hope and trust that people are worth investing in, even when they have blown it before. I love that. We ( here in Marshall) deeply believe in the cause of mercy. But I am always refreshed to see people extending selfless mercy on seemingly undeserving people elsewhere, too.
Today I am thankful for the grace and mercy of a loving God and selfless people. I pray that I might always see the good and keep my spirit humble. God only knows where I would be without Him and the unconditional love of some amazing people.

I keep thinking of the lyrics to this song... I am NOTHING without YOU!!!!!


for the single peeps

This is simply, my musings on emotional purity. You must be tired of my nonstop drivel on relationships.
But I have been, yet again, enlightened on the topic of so-called romantic love.
I know..... I seemingly classify love as an entirely mystical and enigmatic subject, but I must impute that to my singleness.
So, presenting the above as my excuse, I qualify yet another blog on relationships...

I feel that most days I can categorize my thoughts into two categories: God-thoughts and Me-thoughts.
Yes, profound. Ha!
Me-thoughts aren't sinful, they just aren't of an entirely spiritual nature; i.e, I need to exercise, I should call so and so about Arbonne...
You get the idea.
God-thoughts stem from an uplifting source (scripture, prayer, music, a message....ummm GOD) and provoke me to think about an area I need to improve or change. Or they simply encourage the good.
So, a lot of my "God-thoughts" of recent have been about developing pure relationships.
So here it is, My relationship/God-thought of the day:

We must strive for emotional purity.

Emotional purity is keeping yourself from drastic emotional involvement/attachment with a member of the opposite sex until you find the person with whom you intend on spending the rest of your life. Emotional involvement would be anything that connotes total thought consumption, emotional surrender and a giving up of one's heart too soon. Perhaps, it is falling hard to everyone(thing) that pays attention to you; wasting good thought-time and heart-matter. We spend precious time spilling ourselves emotionally and never blink at it.
We moil after sexual purity, but give up our emotional purity for the first pin-head that comes down the pike. Rather ironic, huh? I think so.
This is perhaps more a female problem, but I know more than a few guys for whom this would be great advice as well.
By all means, maintain all of your opposite-sex friendships! Just don't give out your heart prematurely for every fugacious claim on your attention.
Because only one will prove to be the forever kind.
Drastic?.....maybe. But, be that as it may, I have read more than one thought provoking article on this subject of recent and I really like the idea.

And I intend on fully giving myself emotionally only to my future husband.


of course

"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives."
— Annie Dillard


sumthin ain't right

1.Grandma is Texting -My grammy asked me to teach her to text message today.

2.Endangered Sharks- I cried during the "Endangered Species" listing at the end of the IMAX movie on sharks. Ok, must defend myself here. They played sad music! We all know how the Music Majors are affected by music.

3.The Weather-It's April?!

4. Buying a Scale/Being a Whale- Never, ever buy a new scale. Live in the lovely illusion that you weigh less than really you do. Because if you do happen to purchase a new one, it might possibly lower your self-worth for about two good, solid weeks. 7 pounds....REALLY?!?

5. NERD I AM- My current "for fun" reading includes the 9/11 Commission Report and Child and Adolescent Mental Therapy. I have always been nerdy, but now it is reaching epic proportions.
WOW. It has been entirely too long. I can't take all the blame for my recent lack of blogging though. It can (mainly) be attributed to computer problems. UGH. Anyway, I have alot to catch up on....Life has been CRAZY. So, maybe i'm a nerd, but I am totally excited to be back in the swing of things. Today may be the day I post 11 times..