

Nothing without YOU, Jesus!

Ive been in Florida over the weekend, having a marvelous time.
I met some people that were absolutely amazing. They had the ability to see thru mercy's eyes about about ten years down the road....and hope and trust that people are worth investing in, even when they have blown it before. I love that. We ( here in Marshall) deeply believe in the cause of mercy. But I am always refreshed to see people extending selfless mercy on seemingly undeserving people elsewhere, too.
Today I am thankful for the grace and mercy of a loving God and selfless people. I pray that I might always see the good and keep my spirit humble. God only knows where I would be without Him and the unconditional love of some amazing people.

I keep thinking of the lyrics to this song... I am NOTHING without YOU!!!!!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I LOOOOOOOOVE that song! I have ever since I first heard it and it struck a chord with me. I'd love to hear all about your trip to Florida--it's been awhile since we've "talked" and I miss it. :-) Shane's mom was telling me how awesome your Easter drama was--I'd love to hear about that too.