

sumthin ain't right

1.Grandma is Texting -My grammy asked me to teach her to text message today.

2.Endangered Sharks- I cried during the "Endangered Species" listing at the end of the IMAX movie on sharks. Ok, must defend myself here. They played sad music! We all know how the Music Majors are affected by music.

3.The Weather-It's April?!

4. Buying a Scale/Being a Whale- Never, ever buy a new scale. Live in the lovely illusion that you weigh less than really you do. Because if you do happen to purchase a new one, it might possibly lower your self-worth for about two good, solid weeks. 7 pounds....REALLY?!?

5. NERD I AM- My current "for fun" reading includes the 9/11 Commission Report and Child and Adolescent Mental Therapy. I have always been nerdy, but now it is reaching epic proportions.

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