

Accountability Questions

1.Did you spend significant time with God through His Word, prayer, quiet time, devotions, and other spiritual disciplines ( fasting, bible reading, etc. )? How much; how constant? Is He your driving force?

2. What blocks your growth in Christ? What blocks growth, in your other relationships, from becoming more mature and effectual?

3. How has your time with God been? Did you pray for others? Are you satisfied with the time you spent with our Lord this week? How so? What can you do to improve it? Did you pray for others?

4. Have you faithfully served the Lord, His people, and the lost?

5. Did you go and participate in church activities and worship this week? How so? Why not?

6. Did you set spiritual goals this week? What were they? Did you achieve your spiritual goals?

7.Have you made your family a priority? What noteworthy activity or deed did you do for your spouse and/or family?

8. How have you struggled with sin? What are the sins that have weighed down your walk with God this week?

9. What did you do to enhance your relationship with your spouse/friends? What can you do to make that relationship better?

10. In what ways has God blessed you this week? How have you shared your blessings?

11. What challenges did you face? Did they consume your thoughts? What did you do about it? What can you learn?

12. Have you filled the mandates of your call, work and school, practicing excellence, and being the best 100% as you can be for His glory?

13. Have you committed any sexual sin? Did you look at someone lustfully? Have you been in contact with someone you shouldn't have? Have you been alone in a compromising situation? Have you been flirtatious? Have you struggled with pornography or “romance novels?” Have you exposed yourself to any sexually oriented material? Did you put yourself in a situation with a member of the opposite sex that could appear to be compromising, even though it may not have been?

14. Have you shared your faith? In what ways? How can you improve? Have you had an opportunity to share with a non-Christian?

15. How well are you handling your finances right now? Have your financial dealings been questionable?

16. Have you been trustworthy? Have you lied? Stolen? Cheated? Been Dishonest or Manipulative? Have you elevated yourself over another for your own personal agenda? What about your language and attitude?

17.Have you allowed the media and its distortions in TV, music and movies to unduly influence you? What about peer pressure?

18. Have you been prideful? Have you been guilty of Gossip or Anger? Slandered? Shown Indifference? Been Greedy? Not Controlled your tongue? This hinders people from knowing and trusting Christ the most!

19.Have you demonstrated a servant's heart? How so? What have you done for someone else this week?

20.Did you struggle with a disappointment this week? How did you handle it?

21. Have you respected and treated your classmates, co-workers and peers graciously by showing them compassion and the love of God in your words and deeds? What can you do to enhance your relationships here?

22. How is your level of character, according to the comparison of Gal. 5:22-23 versus Gal. 5:19-21?

23. How did you practice joy this week? Have you had a thankful attitude toward God? Have you struggled with anger toward God? How so? What can you do about it?

24. Have you taken care of the temple of the Holy Spirit with rest, sleep, exercise, healthy eating, etc? What about addictions, gluttony, or substance abuse?

25.Have your thoughts been kept pure?

26.Are you giving to the Lord's work with your time, talent, and treasures? What about financially?

27. What do you need to do to improve your relationships with God and with others?

28. What do you see as your number one need or struggle for this next week?

29. Have you compromised your integrity in any way, or lied about the above questions?

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