

I blog therefore I am

I was "feeling a blog" tonight.....but I had no real inspiration. I just wanted to for some random reason I havent figured out ( which happens quite often with me). I thought welllllll, when I don't have anything to blog about, I usually just make a list. The list of To Do's, the List of "I'm thankful for's", a list of my favorite things that day...... Just anything.
It helps get the blog bug off of me until I have real inspiration to write. Well, midway thru my list of dumb things that no one really cares about anyway, I received a harsh poke from my (realistic?) side.
I thought, "What in the world?
What is a blog and why in the stinkin' world do you have one? Who REALLY cares what you think about anything? I mean, really, TRULY cares?!
Then it happened.

"The blogging revelation"

I now know why I blog.

A. Blogging gives me a nodding acquaintance with the world of opinions.....a "voice" per say . Maybe just one, but one nonetheless.

B. I have thoughts and ideas and.... every right to voice them.

C. Maybe I just love to write.

I want to know though, why do you blog?


Anonymous said...

I don't blog as of yet but I do have a list of about 5 of my favorite bloggers. I will honestly say that you are at the top of that list. I find your blogs are always insightful and inspirational. I work in an office where at times my brain cries for any sort of mental stimulation and so I treat myself on Fridays to the tastes of the Pippi narrative. There has been a bit of a dry spell lately and I grew a bit concerned reading this latest installment that there would be no more in the future, but by golly! Blog! There are bored office workers that need you to! Blog on, sister! Blog as though my sanity depends on. Because it does at times.

chantell said...

I guess I do because it gives me a creative outlet. A little place to fling my thoughts into the cyberspacial void.

Kim said...

It helps me vent or release any emotional trauma I may be facing at the time. It also gives me a way of journaling this journey of my life. I can go back and see how things have changed just in the past 2 years. And it also keeps me in contact with people that I never would have known except for blogger!

Kathy said...

I blog because I like to share how I see God working and to read how He's working in others' lives. Most of the people who read my blog are people I see on a regular basis, but sad as it is, we often don't have time to just sit and trade cool God stories. I've found blogging among my friends to be such a great opportunity to do that.