

have you ever?

Have you ever sat in your room and stared at the computer screen at 1 AM, wishing you had the willpower to just get off and go to bed?

Have you ever thought that you were destined to be are "ONE OF THOSE" that God has called to that...?

Have you ever wanted to move on to an exceptional, ever-waiting "Plan B", but Plan A is lurking in your thoughts and heart?

Have you ever thought it would be nice to live in a flat, in the city, by yourself, totally career-minded....Never worrying of about "developing your ministry"?

Have you ever fleeced God by talking yourself out of calling, texting and IM'ing someone....and insisting that if it's God, then they will make the first move?

Have you ever wanted to be Ellie-Mae Clampett? You know, all beauty and NO brains? Wouldn't it be fun to not think deep ....and NOT know you weren't thinking deep?

Have you ever wanted to drive and not stop until you had to because of the ocean?

Have you ever secretly wondered if you would succeed in life? I know you act like you know where you are headed and you tell everyone that......but do you ever wonder?

Have you ever texted messaged during the sermon at church?

Have you ever lit a candle, turned on Andrea Bocelli and just layed across your bed to daydream in the evening?

Have you ever eaten at least 5,000 calories in one day?

Have you ever eaten 300 calories the day following to compensate for the extra on the previous day?

Have you ever really wished you could tell your ex that you loved them?

Have you ever not wanted to love them?

Have you ever been given a chance at someone and couldnt take it because it seemed too perfect?

Have you ever ran into the woods and cried your eyes out?

Just because these are very specific, does not mean I have done any of it!!!

(Smile and wink)


Kim said...'s as if you were in my head! That's pretty scary.

chantell said...

You are great. Your writing is just so . . . connecting. That's the only word I can think of to describe it. :-)