We, the library personnel, relish the days when crisp, intelligent people stop by to use our facilities. It is definitely a phenomenon. Rather, our days are spent fulfilling the every folly-driven fancy of the jobless, white adult male and his fellow coexisting lame brains.
Though they will probably never read this, I will still state the following things to lighten my mood:
- I will not flirt back with you, no matter what tactics you employ.
- Just so you know, I know that you are on the Illinois State Past Sexual Predators List.
-I will be busy on the nights you have tickets to go to a symphony... I do not care if they were puchased for me or not. I find it hard to believe that your mother would be joining us anyway.
- How many times have you have you moved/to and from here to marry an unsuspecting victim of Match.com?
I'm sure there will be more posts to follow on this great topic.
lol! What is it about the library that is so alluring to the jobless, white adult male? I was a library worker too, back in the day, but it was a university library. A different dynamic, I suppose.
Isn't it funny? What should be a hangout for the intellectual, is often the gathering place of idiots, who have NEVER actually checked out a book but instead frequent the "singles" sites on our FREE computers. lol.
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