

Protected. Again.

Three nights ago, I was completely cozy and sleepy in my nearly perfect bed. I had quickly fallen asleep, then was blatantly awakened by the urge to pray. The direction I felt was strange, but clear. So, per God's prompting, I put on shoes and a coat, and went outside to pray over our vehicles.

My dad has done this before. In fact, when I got my first car, we went outside and annointed it with oil. ;) Very strange to most bystanders I'm sure.
I'll admit, This seems irrational and silly. But, I did it.

I laid my hands on each car in the garage and driveway, including mine. I asked God to simply protect us. End of story. Or, so I think. I get back in bed.

Driving home from Charleston/Mattoon yesterday on a 2-way country road, I see a piece of metal coming at me 200-300 yards away. It's flipping end over end and growing in size. I realize it's a car.
After flipping 4-5 times, it lands on it's hood in the ditch and a person flies out of it and lands on the road. The man is covered in blood and his body is flailing in pain. I see a semi-truck driver getting out to help, and a girl trying to climb out of the car. After two attempts to get signal, I finally reach a 911 Operator and am able to secure an ambulance and paramedics. The operator probably thought I was crazy because I was praying out loud while talking to her.

I can openly say I am no good in settings where blood is involved but, I knew 911 was the first step. My siblings are both in the medical field , Chelsea a nurse and Judah a paramedic/nurse. They have both told me that if you don't know what to do, stay in your car and call for people that do so further injuries aren't sustained.. So, I stayed put, called 911 and prayed fervantly. Help finally came, but I'm unsure if the man lived.

I felt extremely helpless , and immediately questioned if I did the right thing. It was traumatic and I cried the entire way home.

I was reassured by my daddy and Judah that I did exactly what I should have done, but I felt absolutely sick over the entire scene and if I did everything I could have done.
Although I've had really horrific images in my mind and I've been so worried about the people, the late night prayer meeting over our cars, including mine, makes so much sense now.
Thank you Jesus for Your protection, once again.

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