

I like lipgloss and shiny. And too much peach fizzy drink and dark chocolate. Warm socks and big snowflakes. Having 14 perfumes. Smelling flowers and sleeping in perfect pj's. Love stories, happy endings, tear-jerkers and love songs. I like to be told that I'm loved. Told that I'm appreciated. Told that I'm worthwhile and strong. Even if I know it. I like dreams of fairytales and whispers of reality. I want to see the castles and beaches that everyone talks about. I love babbling about nothing with my friends and something if we feel like it. I have no use for bad. I have time for details and the little things. I'm happy with my life and blessed by my family. I think there is much to learn. I want to see things for how they really are. I want to give unconditional love to the man I'm supposed to marry. I want to feel my heart drawn to my child's. I know that love is more than receiving. Love is giving. I believe in love now more than I ever have. That's me. That's today. That's tomorrow. That's forever.

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