

On living today, for today

The art of life is to live in the present moment, and to make that moment as perfect as we can by the realization that we are the instruments and expression of God Himself.--Emmet Fox

I often vent my self-inflicted frustrations thru blogging. So this is for me only=) I am very aware of all my bad habits, and I have resolved to try and change some (or all.. ha!) of them this year. That said, I am going to share my least favorite thing about myself in hopes of conquering it.
So here is the Cliff Notes version.
I like lists. Actually, it is more of an obsession. I have a list for everything and everyone and every date and every occasion. I have spent hours planning out everything in my entire future.
I have a wonderful life. I just always forget about it because i'm planning on what my great future is going to be like... My big problem is forgetting to enjoy my today's... just for being today.
So even though I will always be the List-queen, I am going to stop making my life prosaic by overplanning. I intend to accomplish alot this year... and learn spontaneity.

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