You are the epitome of faithful. You bring new meaning to the term "hard work". You are so passionate. Thank you for living integrity. You're my hero. XOXO
God! You always cause us to triumph! I just want to say to You openly that You've been so very faithful. Your love goes beyond my comprehension and You are so very patient with us. Thank You for doing marvelous things in me! I will sing Your praises for eternity. I'll praise you long after time has ceased... and I will worship You here until I am able to see You over there! How I absolutely adore you, Jesus.
To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends, to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch... to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded!
Iknow that prayer works, but nonetheless, every time it works, I am shocked. So I have had these specific questions and issues regarding a certain very delicate matter in my life. I have prayed about it until (just honestly) i'm quite sick of praying about it. So late tonight, when I ran across an amazing article regarding my "to marry or not to marry" question, I thought "Hey, why not?" This revolutionary few articles has stinkin' READ MY MAIL! It's almost like Jesus Christ Himself descended heaven with a shout and an arch-angel and pretty lil' pen and wrote them just for me. =) As simple as they might seem..... I couldn't have asked God to address issues more pertinent than those covered in the article. I am a tad bit dumbfounded with how specifically God answers prayer!
According to the article, I am guilty of the following- Over-spiritualizing.... by this I mean expecting an unreasonable measure of guidance from God. ......Scripture shows that while God graciously guides our decisions, he seldom eliminates the need for us to think them through and ultimately take responsibility for resolving them. We expect him to guide in a mystical or supernatural fashion which would supersede this process and remove all personal responsibility. Idealizing- We may hold to unreasonable ideals about romantic love or the perfect mate. Having ideals for marriage is crucial, but it is vital that these be realistic and in line with God's best intentions for our life. In reality the influence of both our secular and Christian cultures is such that few of us enter adulthood without the need for some revising--often drastic--of our ideals before we will be in a position to find a suitable mate or make healthy decisions about marriage. Catastrophizing. By this term I mean harboring unreasonable fears of risk or change by dwelling on problems that are not likely to occur, or obsessing over the possibility of making a wrong decision. A variety of normal fears arise as we take steps toward marriage, ranging from the fear of rejection or getting hurt, to the fear of decision making, to the fear of commitment itself.
Yes babe. Someday is going to happen.... and it's sooner than we think.