

I'm moving!

Come check out my new "Wifey/Lifey" blog at The Pippi Narrative! See you there:)


Happy Wife, Happy Life?

I have been reading a significant amount of scripture about being a wife lately, mainly because I'm going to be one in 43 days.  -Insert massive smile. 

There are many scriptures on the family.  So Ive been attempting to read, apply, learn, apply, soak in, apply... You get the idea. 

Though I'm not concerned enough about its origin to do any significant research, I must state that I have always abhorred the phrase 'Happy Wife, Happy Life'. (I must also include the phrase 'If momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!' ) It seems rather self-seeking.
In a nutshell it says, If I'M happy, I'll do my best to make the lives of those precious, God-given gifts around me happy. But if I'm not happy, then they will have to suffer too.
Throw in a bit of  'My happiness is not from above, but based on temporal circumstances' and you  have summed up entire quote.

So My little wifey learning curve has reiterated some important truths that I'm happy to be reminded of. I thought I would share.

1. In a Christ-centered relationship, both parties will seek out a relationship with Jesus on their own. Daily renewal and strength comes from a commitment to prayer, fasting, and Bible intake. It's the ole' Airplane Oxygen Mask concept. If I'm unhealthy, how will I help anyone else? However, if I'm healthy spiritually, my ability to invest value in a relationship significantly deepens. 

Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. (Philippians 2:12 KJV)

Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. (Colossians 3:2 KJV)


2. In a Christ-centered relationship, the couple will spend time with Jesus TOGETHER.
Though this concept seems self-explanatory, it is very often overlooked.  Are we praying together? Reading good books together? Submitting and loving the way Scripture teaches? Challenging each other to spend time in fasting and the Word of God?  Simply, keep each other accountable in spiritual disciplines. 

Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; (Ephesians 5:21-25 KJV) 

How could this be done any more beautifully than in a time of prayer, devotion and sharing?

So, as I'm learning, it was ok that I really disliked the quote 'Happy Wife, Happy Life". Mainly because, my happiness isn't based on my circumstances or relationships. My happiness is from above.  If I will choose to invest my time in a relationship with my Savior and my husband, I will be a happy wife. My husband cannot make or break my happiness. This doesn't make our world or relationship perfect, but it puts it in perspective.


What is my Definition?

I have always wanted to be great. Not Super-hero great or Presidential great. Just "me" great.
Great defined by ....the best me I can be.

So periodically, I look at what is powering my life. Where am I getting my inspiration? What am I doing with my time? What am I investing in? Who is influencing me and who am I influencing? Is my heart ok with Jesus?  What is MY definition?

By definition, the word "definition" means:

1. the act of defining or making definite, distinct, or clear.

2. the formal statement of the meaning or significance of a word, phrase, idiom, etc.,  can give users direct, immediate access to the definitions of a term

3. the condition of being definite, distinct, or clearly outlined.

4. Optics . sharpness of the image formed by an optical system.

5. Radio and Television . the accuracy of sound or picture reproduction.

It's clear from the above definition, that this word is deeper than the mere appearance of something. It goes deeper than what that object wants to be or intends to be....It's what it ACTUALLY is.

Admittedly, I am consumed and overtaken with what seems a singular purpose right now. A November 16, 2012 Wedding. Every day it seems the strongest pull on my time and the greatest power on my To-do list. Happily, (and maybe a bit stressfully) I have been conquering it. But it's not the wedding that will be my life's definition.

 It's not my education. Or my goals. Or my career. Or my friends. Or what anyone thinks.

It is who I am in my walk with Jesus. It is what I do with my time. It is what I do with my resources. It is my everyday choices that define me. 

Thankfully, my life's definition can be whatever I'd like. I can realign when necessary. But I want it to be clear. I want it to be definite. I want it to have significance. I want it to be distinct. I want it to be sharp. I want it to be accurate.

My life's definition,  or its clear outline, must remain singular in purpose: A life lived well for Jesus.